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Contact Our Schools

Contact Head Office

Telephone Number

Monday - Friday 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
01536 238 535

Postal Address

The Starlight Dance Group Ltd
Unit 1, 15 Orion Way,
Kettering Business Park, NN15 6NH

E-mail Address

[email protected]

Jacc Batch BA(Hons) ISTD
Jacc Batch BA(Hons) ISTDFounder and Managing Director01536 238 505[email protected]
Craig Fellows
Craig FellowsHead of School Development01536 238 494[email protected]
Jasmine Middleton BA(Hons)
Jasmine Middleton BA(Hons)Head of Production Design01536 238 466[email protected]
Kru Batch
Kru BatchHead of Technical Operations01536 238 515[email protected]
Nadine Davies
Nadine DaviesHead of Sales01536 238 441[email protected]
Heidi Agan
Heidi AganSchool Administrator01536 238 522[email protected]